Girl Talk ONLY女生闲聊

As technology advances, many optionals come into play. That included of course, feminine montly protections.
科技不断先进, 人的选择也更多了。 这个包括当然少不了话题,女性生理期用品。
Here, let me introduce couple options besides bulky pads. Okay, when I first have my period, I was given a pad and no other knowledge
about other alternative protections, ex:tampons..etc.(Later when I knew the existence of tampons and other protection, i asked my mom).  I was always told that these things will take my virginity away, since my mother believes that inserting anything to our vagina will take our virginity away. THE True is NOT~~I’m sure all of you ya know that by now.
在这里让我介绍几种代替卫生巾的用品。 好, 说回来我第一次生理期的时候, 我妈就给我一个卫生巾,她也没有为这件事情和我多做解释。我当然也不知道有其他的用品比卫生巾更好。 譬如说:卫生棉条等等。 当然后来我知道有其他更方便的代替品我就问我妈妈,她告诉我不能用,说是女生不能用,不然就不是女生了(处女)。 当然我们现在都知道用卫生棉条和贞操是两回事。
This past by summer, I’ve tried tampon and so far they offered me much more freedom than bulky pads. However, as reach further into the lady knowledge, I knew that tampons have risk of TSS and it’s quite unhealthy for the enviornment. So, I did so much researches..
[这个夏天刚刚过去的时候,我尝试了卫生棉棒(卫生棉条),到目前为止都还不错。 不过当我对女性的知识了解更深的时候就知道卫生棉条有它的坏处,譬如说它会带来经痛和TSS的危险性。 而且给社会环境带来很不健康的影响(这个包括卫生巾和卫生棉条,因为这些东西都经过漂白处理)。
I found out that Organic pads and tampon are much more healthy, however, whather the tampons are organic or not, its still had risks of TSS…and pads still fill up the landmass with waste. Besides the fact that these organic pads and tampons cost a fortune.
My final alternatives are (Clothing pads (Lunapads recommeded), and Divacup/Instead )
我的最终选择是-天然布料卫生巾(LUnapad) , 和Divacup / Instead)
Divacup 是可以代替卫生棉条,因为它是戴在体内,和棉条的原理是一样,不过棉条是把月经血吸掉,所以会带来TSS中毒和经痛的问题。
Clothing Pads,就是棉布卫生巾,可以用一般一年以上~~
Divacup is reusable
Clothing pads are also reusable.
Instead it’s disposable…Healthier than tampons i would said…
Above 3 I have not check them out yet…but soon well….
以上产品除了 Clothing pad 外,我都还没有用过,不过很快我就会去试试了